Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A few things I have learned about myself!

This is something that I shared on Facebook the other day, but decided I wanted to share it here as well.

So as the summer has gone on and I have been through many emotions, some good some bad. I have learned so much about myself and what I need in my life. I have realized that sometimes trying to be the bigger person in a tough situation just make me get hurt more. I have come to really realize this, this last couple weeks. It isnt worth putting myself through emotional hell with someone who obviously doesnt care. I have always worn my heart on my sleeve. I am finding that I am not going to change who I am but be more guarded of who I let partake in my heart! I think there is nothing wrong about this. After all the crap I have been through in the last few months, I feel I have the complete right to be in complete control over myself.I can still have a Christlike love for them from a far but I dont need to be in their life. 

I have also learned, I deserve someone who is going to treat me like I am a daughter of God. I have posted somethings on facebook about how I feel a guy should be. I have also gotten some feedback that I was completely shocked by. Do we as women really set our expectations that low? Why do we set our expectations that low that we let the men in our lives treat us as we arent daughters of God? I dont feel my expectations are too high. I feel guys need to step up to the plate and make a girl feel she is the only one around. I have seen many people in my life especially my brother and brother in law who do this. So am I not entitled to it? Why should I have to settle for someone who is completely into themselves and doesnt care about relationships? We all have different standards for ourselves and we all have different goals in our lives. But I will wait as long as in need to, to find a MAN who is willing to treat me like I am truly a daughter of God. And I am not saying I expect to be waited on hand and foot and to be given everything. Relationships are two ways. One can not constantly be giving to the other and the one just take all the time. This is with any relationship, romantic or not! 

There is another thing I have learned, which ties into the other two. I cant constantly give give give, because people will always take take take and usually give nothing back in return. I deserve people in my life who care about me and are willing to work at the relationship and not just constantly take. I saw something once that said relationships shouldnt be 50/50 but 100%/100%. This is so true! We as a society settle on a lot of things. But why do we need to settle on all of our relationships? I know I need to be better and will try my hardest to be better! This is why I am glad I have learned this. I can be a better friend and make sure that I do give my 100%! I will be a better friend. 

The last thing I have really come to realize this last few weeks is, really the only relationship that truly matters is the one I have with my Heavenly Father and Savior. I have come to rely on them so much this last few weeks and know that They are the ones I need to focus on. If my relationship with Them is good then every other relationship will fall into place or out of place, depending on the situation. I have seen this happen time and time again. That is why truly focusing on my relationship with Them is vital! I am going to strive more and more everyday to make them the focus in my life and I know as long as I do, They will guide me to great things and people in my life. 

I have many great people in my life, especially my family, who I love very much. I hope I dont offend anyone by this note. I am truly just venting frustrations and the feelings of my heart. I care deeply about everyone in my life but I have to take control of my life and let know one walk on me! I love all my friends, may God bless with you and grant you all the things in your heart you desire! 


My first post!

So I decided I usually have a lot to say about a lot of things. So what better way to get my thoughts and feelings out then to start a blog. I will give a disclaimer now, I hope I dont say things that will make people mad or hate me. This is just who I am. Anyone that knows me and knows me wells knows that I am very vocal and very outspoken. I can be very blunt at times too. So I hope you enjoy my blog and leave nice comments! :)